You can click on any one of these pictures to get them to expand. Nobody has been sent this link that is not part of the decision making process of the owners of our properties and now the first entity we need to work with to accomplish a project with such an economic impact or ability to change the retail market in the Grand Traverse Region. Please have someone from the tribe call me and discuss this with me and see if its worth talking about prior to our meeting on September 20, 2011 with Grand Traverse County. If the tribe is NOT interested in jumping on to make this happen across from their Resort, or in some sort of similar but Maximized layout, then we will be dropping even talking about it and revert back to the simple mixed use SUP with some retail and elderly multi-family instead. It is up to you, we’ve created all we need to market and get the huge project approved and get the tenants here to make it a reality, but we have to get the zoning, or be well on the way to getting the zoning first. We can do no such thing as we’ve shown to create enough retail on just our property to get a Bass Pro or Cabela’s or Ikea or Costco. It will demand the tribe’s participation in making this area all that it can be as a high end resort lodging, gaming, shopping and outdoor activity resort and spa to top most all others in the Nation with its Natural Resourses. Please call me and tell me if the Tribe is IN or OUT or if you’d like to talk more with the owner of our properties in a timely manner so we know which option to present to the County Sept 20.
Tribal Members please study these two posts which only you are getting and tell us if you want to work with us to accopmlish the big vision with the video and tools we’ve already finished and could work with you and your marketing people to keep it going and get it all zoned and the tenants in place? Let us know if you want us to pursue the BIG VISION or the small vision because we have gotten to a point already with the township where if we don’t have additional support to help with the bigger rezoning, we are looking to just scale back our request to get a feasible project on Steckley’s land alone. If we do that, we are just concerned the the opportunity of putting a Bass Pro or Cabela’s or other big box and high end retail on these lands, making Acme and the Grand Traverse Resort and Turtle Creek Casino the Crown Jewel of Tourism in the Midwest and even all of US due to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Regardless, the additional traffic adjacent your resort would be well in excess of 5 - 6 million people or trips per year that go elsewhere in the region now. Does the tribe want those people coming to Acme? Are you on hold with you current projects?
Please remember that the way we propose to develop the properties, there would be about 1/2 or less of the surface parking as is shown on the drawings, creating 1/2 the water run off. We accomplish this by making the mall “walk-out” to the West, protecting people from the elements of the cold and the hot. The shops should all be connected by a small replica steam engine train that brings people throught the project and under 31, back and forth. Elderly can take their power chairs or golf carts, whatever would be allowed by the township for people to take and use the trails and paths that would connect everything.
Also, just like the disclaimer earlier, these drawings have been cut and pasted from other similar themed projects from around the US, with ALL surface parking and NO under building parking so there are many more things to do to make sure of the feasibility of all of this but the initial indications would seem to be that if the Tribe wanted to help make this sort of thing happen, they would have enough co-tenancy to attract the Bass Pro, Cabela’s or maybe if we were very very lucky, and Ikea, just because in that one location they could cover all of northern Michigan, the UP, Wisconson via the Ferry, and much of Canada, along with even draw tourists that otherwise spend their money just at the bridge, or just at Boyne or Shanty Creek or in Charlevoix, or in Petoskey or at Bay Harbor, that all of those tourists that come to all over those areas from all over the world, will all want to work in at least one day of shopping in what I believe we could make as one of the most green and sustainable environmental shopping centers in the world with green roofed community gardens for those stores that wanted to participate for instance, building the buildings parking into the hill and have walk out level for parking below the buildings for convenience, urban feel and to preserve more green area, produce less run off and create enough open green space to create the central small sized Civic theater for the community and other events! Can you catch the vision yet all?
Also, because 1/2 the surface parking would be gone in the middle of all the larger project on the west, we believe thater there would be enough land in the right place to create a beautiful lawn and garden area with a staging area for smaller events and concerts like a civic center or so, about the size of the Meijer Gardens Amphitheater in Grand Rapids. The tribe could still have the 10,000 - 100,000 set event facility and race course out by it’s Casino, but this would be smaller and more specialized and easily accessible by the elderly care facility and the entier community. If the Township would move its Town hall and Community Center there, how cool would that be to have all of those amentities with a park view out front to the bay an a civic amphitheater within a short walk and all the gym and other things left in the vacant building as it sets.
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